best mechanical bull manufacturer

Do you know who you are buying from?


These are the guys that make the magic happen: on the left Robin Whincup, inventor of the original multi ride system, and on the right, Michael Whincup, Robin's son and creator of the amazing new designs from Galaxy, including the Toxic Rampage®. And here it's their incredible team: For 24 years we have manufactured the safest, most portable, innovative and entertaining mechanical rodeo bull on the market, and here's how it all began. The Birth of the Multi Ride System In 1985, Robin Whincup started a rental company, hiring out bouncy castles for children and adults. As the company grew he [...]

Do you know who you are buying from?2014-01-13T16:57:31+00:00

Mechanical Bull Business Tips – Add a Blog to Your Website


Now you're probably asking yourself, "Why would I want to add a blog to my website?" There are actually a number of reasons. The first one, of course is that you can use a blog to target specific keyword phrases. The easiest way to do this is to add a wordpress blog to your site. It's simple to do and with the blog in the same directory as your website, any traffic coming to your blog will also be traffic to your main site. Don't let anyone convince you that a blog sitting on someone else's platform will be as good [...]

Mechanical Bull Business Tips – Add a Blog to Your Website2013-06-18T09:56:59+00:00

How Does a Mechanical Bull Work? Will it Help My Business?


Every once in awhile there's a post on one of the forum's asking "How does a mechanical bull work?"   There are two answers.  If the question refers to the mechanics of the bucking machine or mechanical bull, rodeo bull, etc.  Then the video below will probably answer a lot of the questions.  The Galaxy Multiride Mechanical Bull was designed for portability.  An operator needs something that's easy to set up and even easier to move if they want the highest amount of profits for their business.  A good mechanical bull is all about safety first, but then it's about the ease [...]

How Does a Mechanical Bull Work? Will it Help My Business?2012-02-02T22:09:07+00:00

Galaxy Multirides is a HUGE Hit at IAAPA Attractions 2011


Galaxy Multirides exhibited at IAAPA Attractions 2011 for the 13th year in a row and it was our best year ever! The main talking point of the Galaxy booth was the iPhone / Android controlled mechanical bull we had set up for demonstration. This was our commitment to innovation of our products, an avenue that can be expanded for future projects which we intend to do. We wanted to show the world what we could do – especially with increased competition at the show. Let's see them copy this! The project came about from a request from a milkshake company in [...]

Galaxy Multirides is a HUGE Hit at IAAPA Attractions 20112011-12-27T21:28:47+00:00

Starting A Business – How to Find the Best UK Rodeo Bull Sales Company


Mechanical rodeo bulls are extremely fun and as close as you can get to the real thing. They can really brighten up any party or social event. The best part about UK rodeo bulls is that everybody can enjoy them, from small children to grandma's!  A mechanical rodeo bull can be the perfect way to entertain your guests and add a special touch to your party. But have you given any thought to the actual business of operating a rodeo bull? Even in a slow economy, rodeo bull rentals is still a thriving business. So, how do you buy a rodeo [...]

Starting A Business – How to Find the Best UK Rodeo Bull Sales Company2011-06-10T12:07:47+00:00

New Rides

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7431 Sawyer Circle, Port Charlotte, FL 33981

Phone: US: (941) 697 0324 - UK: 01423 541 867

Fax: (941) 697 1249

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